Tantra masseuse
In 2019 "lightning fell on me" as I like to say. All my paradigms, beliefs, representations suddenly collapsed. And I felt curious symptoms in my body: tingling, night sweats, uncontrollable crying, deep sadness... Nothing, however, seen from the outside, could explain that. I started to search, to read, to try to understand what could be happening to me. And then one day, totally unexpectedly, I experienced a Kundalini surge. I had no idea what it was at the time. I just found myself with a paralyzed body and such strong energy in my belly that I felt like I could literally explode. At the same time, a little inner path invited me to start exploring my sexuality. I didn't really know what it meant, or what I was going to find in it. What I quickly realized was how disconnected I was from my body. So I decided to come back down into this body. And he spoke to me. It reconnected me to a childhood trauma of which I had no conscious memory. He made me realize that when I made love I was in my head and not in my feelings. He showed me how much I lived on false or limiting beliefs and that I could let go of them to start creating the life I wanted. He showed me the jewels that my Yoni contained, my sex, this sex culturally banished, repressed and borrowed from a whole bunch of negative ideas. Tantra appeared as an evidence: a path allowing me to connect heart and sex, to observe and welcome my emotions by placing consciousness there. There is nothing to reject, oppress or control. Your body is your earthly vehicle. Everything that passes through it (thoughts, emotions, sensations) is information. Become aware, welcome and transform to release the full potential of your Being. Today I have at heart to offer a space to people who wish to deposit themselves in all their Being. It doesn't matter your sex, your gender, your story, your fears or your beliefs. Give yourself a moment of vulnerability where you can just be, and observe what is going on inside you. Tantric massage is a powerful moment of reconnection to oneself and it is my passion to be able to offer this moment. The body contains its own treasures that tantric massage invites you to discover. See you soon, Cloé.
phone: phone: +352 661 767 123 (Call, What's App & SMS)